Black Bears, New Jersey, Governor Corzine, Lisa Jackson, the Dilemma   13 comments

Roaming Black Bear

Roaming Black Bear

Let’s start off with the word “Dilemma”any situation in which one must choose between unpleasant alternatives”, any serious problem. 

A few days ago Governor Corzine visted Sussex at the Grand Cascades Lodge at Crystal Springs. According to Brad Abelow, the Governor’s Chief of Staff, Corzine attended the function, “From the Governor’s perspective, he’s looking for every opportunity to talk with people and hear from people now about what’s going on. What impact the economy is having. He said that that included things the state can do to help and where government can get out of the way”. Wow imagine if that were true? 

When reminded that he was about (6) miles from New Jersey’s major black bear problem area and why he was personally opposed to a bear hunt, he responded, “Well I think that I have read that a lot of this problem, if you would call it that, is something that can be resolved by better game management, waste management and education. And there is a real argument about whether the bear hunt will be effective”. 

The Governor was also asked if his stance would change in the event a young Halloween trick-or-treater were attacked or even killed by a bear. He responded by saying that the question was hypothetical. 

As he was leaving the press conference, Corzine also said that questions about the state’s black bears are best answered by the DEP Commissioner, Lisa Jackson, who was also at the meeting. Corzine said he would check on her availability to speak with reporters. After (20) minutes, Jackson did not come to meet with reporters and the press conference ended. 

Dilemma: any situation in which one must choose between unpleasant alternatives. Solution: stick to inaccurate information, discount “hypothetical” situations, avoid any further questions by passing the now famous, “Wilson Black Bear Political Football” to the DEP Commissioner, who was told to “go-long” and ran out of the end zone into the waiting limo to disappear. 

Many citizens of this black bear area are just amazed that a Governor can actually travel to any area to see how things are going then simply dismiss a “Dilemma”: any serious problem, like the black bear Dilemma, with a record year of intrusive activity capped off by (56) house break-ins and over 1400, complaints including property damage, garage and shed break-ins, domestic pets and livestock being killed and “tax paid for property and taxpayers/voters being threatened and losing the “human-right” to live in a safety zone of their own property and houses. 

The question regarding the Halloween trick or treater may not have been the proper question to kick off a discussion, the real question is; “Governor Corzine you traveled to our area to find out how things were going; not good Governor where we are living in an economically tested time like every other part of the country, but we have one additional “Dilemma”, we have houses being broken into (in case you haven’t had the time to read (56) , domestic pets and livestock being killed, complaints have tripled since 2005 the last year of a hunt in which complaints and intrusive activity went down. 

Our families, mothers and children are living in fear each day as the “overpopulated”, not “overfed” black bear has totally disrupted our right to human rights and safety. 

Now Governor can you tell us why when you have acknowledged you are not an expert in Wildlife Management and your new DEP Commissioner Lisa Jackson, has no track record or experience at all in Wildlife Management, you are listening to animal-rights/anti-hunting groups rather than the experienced, N.J. Fish &Wildlife professional biologists who successfully brought back the black bear in N.J.”? More importantly, why do two inexperienced people, yourself and Lisa Jackson, not only go against the F&W but go against (26) other states, including our bordering states o N.Y. and PA. whose Governors and DEP have listened to and allowed the successful management of black bears by their F&W. for decades? 

Governor, this is not a “Trophy Hunting” issue as you and Lisa Jackson have been mislead to believe, it is not a “garbage control and/or education issue, it is an “overpopulation” issue and their is only one proven, successful remedy; a legal controlled hunt like took place in N.J. 2003 and 2005.

Reduce the number of bears, continue to do so annually and the population will drift back to the forests where they belong and want to be. Why? Because they will have more room to roam their own natural habitant and the hunting will also serve as conditioning AS THE MAJORITY OF PROBLEM AREAS BORDER STATE AND PUBLIC FORESTS. 

Only then Governor, will “trophy photo takers” be the losers because it is these groups that have been feeding bears and encouraging them to get closer to humans. 

Want some proof? Ask to see a rerun of the so-called, ‘Bear Whisperer” Susan Kehoe, aired on Inside Edition’s 10/02/08, who actually is accused of and being fined for feeding black bears in her backyard, for why? To take pictures of bears in her yard and actually near her seeking some sort of “lame” recognition as the “Bear Whisperer”. When her real handle should be, “the bear nut”. 

Read the review from experts saying what she was doing was “extremely dangerous” and not only to her self but by misleading any watchers into believing that the black bear can be “played-with”. 

Dilemma; Governor and it is yours and Lisa Jacksons, you can own up to the current situation created by inexperienced, emotional, head cases turning wild game management into politics and then allow the F&G to do their jobs and engage legal hunting that has proven successful in N.J. in 2003 and 2005. Or you can continue to ‘dance” as you and Lisa Jackson done in Sussex until one day the “hypothetical” becomes the “inevitable truth” and someone is seriously mauled and/or killed by the states current and growing overpopulated black bear.

Dilemma: black bears, True, proven and only nationwide solution: Legal, controlled hunting, regulated by the states’ F&W professionals. 

Anyone reading this contact your Senators, Congressman, Governor and DEP. The Governor and DEP do not have the facts they only have the animal-rights/anti-hunting voices to go on and although a minority, they are louder at this time.

Mike D

13 responses to “Black Bears, New Jersey, Governor Corzine, Lisa Jackson, the Dilemma

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  1. Corzine’s tenure with Goldman Sachs helped get Wall Street where it is today. Now, as Governor, it seems like he trying to do the same for New Jersey.

    Even though the current bear situation is a result of Bradley Campbell’s ego, he was smart enough to sign off on hunts for five years. When the deed happens it will be all on Lisa Jackson. Do you think stuttering Jon will defend her or throw her under the bus?

  2. Ed G., Thank you for the comments. What I believe, is that Governor Corzine simply has no feel for the black bear problem, he doesn’t live in black bear country and that Lisa Jackson does not have the expereince to clarify the matter nor the backbone to research, listen to the professional biologists and present the Governor with the “real-facts” so he can then conduct a proper review and make the “only” decision that will lead to controlling the black bear “overpopulation” ; a legal hunt as has and is successfully done in (26) other states that have large black bear populations.
    To make this clear, I do not believe that Governor Corzine or Lisa Jackson are waiting for or could care less about a black bear attack that would seriously injure or cause the death of a human. they are not inhuman.
    Why then? Because the animal-rights and anti-hunting groups have made more noise than the millions of citizens, both hunting and non-hunting supporting a hunt or non-hunters that realize hunting is the only solution both by reducing the overpopulation, maintaining a safe co-existing number and providing economic relief through reduction in the failed “public-awareness” program (that does not reduce populations) yet cost the taxpayers 100’s of thousands of dollars.
    In addition, like every other state hunters can be charged for black bear hunting tags and we can turn a cost into revenue while at the same time addressing the problem.
    One thing is certain, it will only be a matter of time before New Jersey will have to conduct a black bear hunt, there is no way around that.
    If you or anyone reading this blog agree then you must contact the Governor and DEP so they can be forced by the public to revisit this matter, consider the real truth, as (26) other states have done, then I believe the Governor will see that he is being mislead and that Lisa Jackson is no help.
    At this time I believe that Governor Corzine would have every right to hold Lisa Jackson responsible for supporting the wrong decision, the country and our state are in deep trouble and I would think that Governor Corzine should and in fact is focused on “human-problems” in keeping jobs, houses and healthcare.
    Yes, the blame belongs to Lisa Jackson, because she is allowing her own personal feelings and maybe even Governor Corzine’s and obviously the misleading anti’s rehortic, to trump proven and professional state biologists, New Jersey’s and the other states.
    Regardless of what the Governor believes, if Lisa Jackson knew what she was doing she would stand up to the Governor and advise him that she does not have the background to make the decision but that the states experienced professionals do and they are backed by the same professionals of (26) other states and “YES Governor, in spite of the emotions of some citizens the general public’s safety, especially in the heart of black bear country, is in danger.
    If anything happens to a human as a result of a black bear attack, Lisa Jackson should be held responsible, not the Governor.
    Mike D.

  3. Thing is I have written the Governor, Lisa Jackson, state representatives and newspapers to no avail. After 40 years of hunting, I now do only a limited amout of bow hunting in New Jersey. No more Firearm License fee, extended bow permit fee, rifle permit fee, muzzleloader permit fee, buck permit fee and multiple turkey permit fees.

    I now hunt New York State. One stop shopping gets gun, bow, muzzleloader, 4 turkey permits, 2 doe tags, fishing license which includes trout, bear tag and hunting on Sunday.

    Money talks, BS gets no bear hunt.

  4. Just a reminder concerning Stuttering Jon’s complicity with Lisa Jackson on the bear hunt. Wasn’t it Jon Corzine’s request to the DEP Commissioner in October 2006 to stop the hunt for a thirty day review of that put a hold on it? Had he not submitted that request, the already (then)approved bear hunt would have proceeded as planned and the wind would have blown out of the anti’s sails by now. Just as it has with the Great Swamp Deer hunt. Remember that one? …….Neither does anyone else.

  5. Ed G. Thank you again for your comments; let me reply to both:
    1) Regarding the state fees, in my opinion we start bow hunting in many zones the first two weeks of September each year and the seaons combined run through Feb. 14th of the following year. You are allowed (1) buck with the regular bow, (1) buck with the extened bow, (2) bucks with the regular firearm season, (1) buck with the muzzleloader and the chance for (1) buck during the shotgun permit season if you only harvested (1) buck during the regular firearm season. Does are unlimited in most zones with many allowing (2) at the same time.
    Turkeys can be harvested for as many permits as you wish to purchase and rarely are sold out.
    Now to me New Jersey provides more opportunity for the hunter than any other state in the nation. In addition, there are tremendous trophy bucks comparable to any other state being harvested each year for those that wish to combine the benefits of healthy venison to large trophy bucks. We in N.J. get approximately (6) months of deer hunting and (3) months of turkey hunting, plus small game.
    If you look at the cost of hunting in any other states the non-resident fees are high, the hunting time usually is (5) days for those that plan an out of state hunt plus lodging, food travel expenses abd you are very limited to the number of bucks and does.
    We have approximately 130,000 hunters in N.J. and for these hunting privliges the cost is basically a bargain and the state benefits as it is up to these hunters to contain the deer population. The alternative is professional companies that charge from $350.00 to $1000.00 per deer, to net and bolt and/or sharpshoot deer which then becomes a cost directly paid by taxpayers. Like it or not hunters save even the anti-hunters tax money and provide a beneficial service to a state where overpopulated deer would result in increased vehicle accidents and injuries as well. not to mention lyme disease, crop and landscaping damages.
    Black bear hunting is not about money at this time, it is about reducing the dangerous, overpopulation which is why the 2003 and 2005 hunts were at no cost. However, in an economy the has deteriorated around the world and in N.J., it would be wise to stop putting hundreds of thousands of dollars into reduntant, non-effective, non-lethal black bear management programs that can have absoulty no impact on reducing or controlling the growing black bear population in N.J.
    If the DEP were doing there job and the Governor was properly advised he would see the ability to save money, generate income and more importantly reduce the black bear population and reach and maintain a safe co-exisitng level for human safety.
    As for your comments regarding the Governors request to Lisa Jackson for a thirty day review; here again if Lisa Jackson had any experience or more importantly trusted the judgement of the state’s F&G and professional biologists that do, she would have stood up to theGovernor and said; “no” .
    I have communicated with Bradely Campbell while he was the DEP Commissioner, all and all when it became obvious that human safety was in danger he stepped up to the plate and passed the hunt. Many believe it was that decision that led to his departure by Governor Corzine, after all Lisa Jackson actually worked in a department under Bradley and had no where near his overall experience. Here again the proof is in her being in constant denial over how to bring this very dangerous black bear overpopulation under control.
    Many believe, she is simply afraid to go against what she sees as the Governor’s personal belief about the hunt. Herein lies the polticis of the entire issue and the Govrnor or most excutives eventually rid themselves of “yes men/women” as they usually lead their bosses into trouble as Jackson will when this blows up by a serious black bear incident.
    Actually, the beginning of the black bear hunt problems stemmed from Governor Whitman, she cancelled the first hunt because of the anti’s pressure and this alone set the stage for the past, current and future problems.
    If we are lucky Governor Corzine will catch on to this before it is too late and that will only happen if we match and exceed the communications that are put out by the anti’s.
    Ed, don’t give up keep writing encourage your family and friends that support this course of action to write. If Lisa Jackson won’t advise the Governor then we must.
    Best Rergards
    Mike D

  6. That is a nice explanation but here is my personal position. I am a caregiver for my wife and I am a cancer survivor. My time in the woods is my recovery time. To me it’s not the money or how long the season is, it is the overall quality of the experience. I hunted in the West Milford and Ringwood area since the late 1960’s. It has gotten to a point where I can no longer enjoy deer hunting because of the number of run ins I have had with bears. Last year I decided to hunt Sterling Forest and in doing so was amazed at how well the New York DEC runs their hunting program and web site. It was the most fun, relaxing, yet exciting year I had hunting in many years. At this point I would only return to hunt New Jersey should they have a bear hunt to try and kill a record book bear such as the 700+ pounder that I caught on my trail cam. This would only be if the hunt were held at a reasonable time of year without the need for buying fifteen different permits.

    It is unfortunate that the situation in New Jersey is what it is. I have written my last bear letter about five or six times now and I’m sure there will be another. I also wrote to Bradley Campbell a few years ago and was amazed that I received a hand written reponse. All in all as the bear population has been growing exponentially over the past few years, I feel the current situation started as a result of Bradley Campbell’s ego and continues due to ignorance and/or the arrogance the current administration.

    You have to be able to identify a problem before you can correct it. The “perceived” problem is not garbage, people have been putting out their garbage the same way for years. The problem is bears, yet Corzine and Jackson repeatedly ignore the experts that are paid to advise them. Therefore they should be held accountable for their incompetence. All I can say is best of luck, I know where I’ll be this Saturday.

  7. Although this is off topic you may wantto correct your list on deer bag limits in New Jersey. If you want to shoot a buck during the permit bow season, muzzleloader season or permit shotgun season an antlered buck permit must also be purchased for each.
    Additionally, I spend $280 total to hunt and fish all year in new York as a non-resident.

  8. Ed G.
    Thanks again Ed, I have no disagreement with your comments on the black bear population problem related to politics and/or garbage there are seven different articles I have written on this blog that cover these matters in detail.
    As deer bag limits yes we all know that permits are required as with turkey’s, still a bargain. An all-around license for $72.25 that includes fishing, $28.00 for the does permit and $28.00 for the buck permits. Separate permits are required for bow, gun and muzzeloader. Plus $10.50 for the rifle permit required to hunt muzzeloader.
    Therefore, if you were to but the permits for bow, gun and muzzeloader plus the all around license it would cost you $251.00 to fish, hunt and participate in the extended seasons. If you nunt turkey add $21.00 for each permit. Most hunters hunt a particular zone and of course if they hunted additional zones then proper permits would be required.
    We do not however need trophy hunters to solve the problem in N.J. we need hunters that understand the need to reduce the population and for this the size of the bear is not even a consideration. If everyone is thinking “trophy” this feeds into the anti’s comments that Governor Corzine and Lisa Jackson are being led to believe.
    I have children and grandchildren as do thousands of others, older citizens living alone, this is a safety first issue and trophy hunters need not apply.
    Mike D

  9. I absolutely agree it is a safety issue and the main reason I decided to hunt New York was for my personal safety. I hunt for enjoyment with the meat from a successful hunt as the reward. When I am lucky enough to kill a bear, if I do not like the meat, I’ll never shoot another one.

    I do however feel that New Jersey needs to drastically reduce bears numbers in some areas and all hunters willing to kill a bear, regardless of size or reason, should be welcome. I support all hunting.

  10. Very few NJ residents want a bear hunt. It’s well known that a few so called “nuisance” bears can be dissuaded from certain areas through proper garbage containment. There is actually a law requiring proper containment of garbage in bear areas. They aren’t enforced so bogus stats can be issued re: human/bear confrontations.
    DFW is a fraudelent organization that is sabatoging non-lethal bear management methods to they can justify a hunt to sell licenses, etc.
    Enough is enough with this garbage. Leave the bears alone. A hunt won’t solve anything except temporarily satisfying the bloodlust of a few animal torturers.

    • Hi Leonardo, thank you for reading my OPED. Well to start with there are millions of New Jersey residents, including mostly non-hunters, that support a bear hunt. Why, because the “overpopulated” black bear has shown the public that they cannot safely exist with the human population when there population is larger than available, natural habitant. Garbage containment is most certainly important as even racoons will get into loose garbage. But garbage has nothing to do with a black bear left to multiply to whatever number.
      Leave the bears alone, how about leave the “Humans” alone because the people are not out there looking for problems with black bears, it is the black bears that are making headlines, breaking into houses and garages, attacking people, killing pets and domestic livestock.
      There is not and in our lifetime will never be “non-lethal” bear management, any tests have failed to control wildlife populations.
      I can respect anyone that just doesn’t like to see animals killed, fine, but that is what takes place in our society, animals are the primiary food source for humans, wildlife is healthier than processed foods and if a person wishes to hunt and harvest their own meat then that is the legal right in a “free” country. If you are buying into the “Trophy” hunting anti-hunting rhetoric, this is simply not true, trophy hunters are out there sure, but they are a small number when compared to the majority of hunters. True trophy hunters, which by the way have the freedom to pursue as well, do not consider New Jersey a Trophy State.
      Again, when you have (26) other states successfully using hunting to maintain a safe coexisting black bear to human ratio, and those states harvest thousands of black bears, year after year, and still are not putting the black bear in danger of extinction, New Jersey has been proven wrong in stopping black bear hunting and putting humans in danger.
      Comon, Leonardo, just how long do you really think any wildlife population can just simply be left to grow and grow and grow, this is plain common sense, it cannot be allowed because there is no room now and each year there will be less.
      As for your comments regarding DFW, you are disrespectful to professionls that you couldn’t begin to match in knowledge of wildlife managment, do you know why? Because they have to make decisions based on scientific fact yet still manage to listen to abuse from no-nothings like you. Whatever profession you are in, how would you like to be challenged by someone who knows nothing about what your job entails? Now stop and think about that for awhile.
      Leonardo, you don’t like hunting or hunting black bears fine, say that but leave out the non-sense, it just makes your cause look bad.
      Like it or not it has to be done this year and it will because Governor Christi listens to the people, the majority, considered the facts, looks at what other states (26) have sucessfully done to address the black bear isues, not the minority of anti’s that tried to make a case of him allowing the slaughter of black bear if elected; he listens to the professionals that have the experience to make these decisions, not like the past administration that counted what they thought were votes while ignoring the “silent-majority” that live in bear country and face the problem everyday.
      Governor Christi respects the emotions of animal-right/anti-hunters but he has the responsibility to provide a “safe” environment for the “humans” that live in New Jersey; in real words Governor Christi had his priorities in order when he “clearly” made his decision to support a black bear hunt “prior” to the election, Human Rights before Animal Rights, guess what the rest is history.
      Mike D

  11. Thank you Jessika

  12. Thank You Maggie

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