Archive for December 2011

Here we go again, after a successful 2010 Bear Culling season by New Jersey Hunters, the anti’s are at it again.   16 comments

The following are a compilation of their bogus complaints:


NJ Fish & Wildlife is so biased toward hunting they will do and say anything in abuse of their authority to promote the trophy hunting of black bears INCLUDING:

  • Refusing to enforce state garbage laws.
  • Killing black bears to promote fear.
  • Using junk science to record nuisance incidents.
  • Promoting recreational trophy hunting against public opinion.
  • 99% of NJ citizens do not support hunting.

This from groups that have played the political trump card from 2000 through 2011 using false and misleading information to create a threat of lost votes to politicians that would support any black bear hunting.

These accusations were always and still remain false, misleading. This can be easily determined by the ludicrous statement that 99% of New Jersey Citizens do not support hunting. Why? When would it ever be possible to reach over 8 million NJ citizens to find out whether or not they supported hunting? We had 64.1 of our citizens voting for the 2008 Presidential election, not even a Presidential election pulled 99% voters.

Here is a more accurate statement; the majority of NJ citizens’ support the NJ Fish & Wildlife as the professionals with the education required to determine what is needed to control the state’s wildlife populations. In the case of black bear hunts, scientific information gathered by the NJDF&W, then confirmed by studies fromEastStroudsburgUniversityand based on actual, documented incidents reported directly by NJ citizens, the majority of NJ citizens understand the need for the culling of the black bear population to a level consistent with the safety of our human population.

This year we are finding black bears on the side of roadways being killed by vehicles as they cross roads, another sign of overpopulation. In 2010 (592) black bears were harvested by hunters in spite of a black bear hunting season opening late, on December 6th to coincide with the NJ deer hunting season. In addition to the late season 2010 was a banner year for acorns allowing the black bears to fill up early and den up quicker, still (592) black bears harvested an indication of the large population.

Garbage, yes the only honest fact coming from the anti’s, garbage needs to be properly contained. Garbage containment is important because it prevents any wildlife from bears to raccoons to crows from invading containers, making a mess and supplementing their food source.

Garbage containment however, is not a birth control pill. Black bears will still propagate and there will always be a need for population management through the only proven method used successfully by every state with large black bear populations; HUNTING.


So lets cut the bulls—– and stop the lies, frivolous lawsuits and misleading facts, like it or not, whoever was here first or what, we need to understand that Black Bears have a new attitude whether created by development of land or their lack of fear for humans and this attitude coupled with overpopulation is in fact a real threat to human safety.

Let’s get used to it and be thankful to the NJDF&W and the hunters that perform a job in the line of sport hunting. YES, sport hunting too, a legal pastime that the free citizens of our country have a right to participate in or not.

Lastly, thanks to Governor Christie, who allows professionals to make decisions based on their education and does not let threats from anti-hunting/animal right groups influence his decision to support these professionals thereby keeping him out of the end zone.

WOW, he even got elected on a platform that included his decision on this matter as well.

Mike D.