Archive for February 2010

Black Bears in New Jersey 2010   Leave a comment

Déjà vu

Black Bears and Governor Christi

Black Bears and the Bear Education and Resource Group

Black Bears and HSUS

 Well, it’s a new year and a new Governor and administration, everything has changed. Governor Chris Christie, “prior” to being elected made it quite clear that he would endorse a black bear hunt and is still in favor of one.

 Déjà vu, you bet; because the animal-right/anti-hunting groups have nothing more to offer today than they did in the past; “same lies and non-sense” they presented to former Governor Corzine; “we don’t need a hunt we, need garbage control and to appoint non-hunters to the F&G”. Sure, Yup, that will stop the black bear population from increasing.

Imagine, after some of these groups waged a war on Governor Christi with ads showing bloody, dead bears and captions stating; “this will be the fate of “our” black bears if Chris Christi is elected”, are now looking for his support to stop another hunt.

 Here is the difference this time around; Governor Christi is a “straight-shooter” he had the courage to take a stand, prior to the election, to state his support of a black bear hunt without worrying about “losing animal-right/anti-hunting “votes”. What does this mean?

Governor Christi does not have to play politics as did Governor Corzine

Governor Christi doesn’t owe the anti’s; they tried to keep him out of office

Governor Christi doesn’t owe the “hunters” because as the anti’s are always so quick to point out; “hunters make up less than 1% of New Jersey’s population.

Governor Christi just needs to rely on “proven science and professional biologists that do not and cannot allow “emotions” to play a role in wildlife management programs. Governor Christi does need to restore the creditability of the professional biologists and members of the State F&G, DF&W. These are the experts in the field of “Wildlife Management”, without them we not only have unsafe, human conflicts with bears, but the future of the black bear is at stake as well.

Governor Christi can accomplish this by having the DF&W/F&G/Biologists stand alone rather than reporting to the DEP.

 Here in New Jersey we have some of the most dedicated, talented wildlife management personnel in our country, yet they are constantly criticized by the anti’s. We need to change this to give them the long overdue credit they deserve, we are proud of these people and a “handful” of anti’s should never have been  allowed to downplay the work they do.

 Just remember, as I have stated in so many of my OPEDS, (27) other states have large black bear populations and (26) of those states have “successfully” included hunting as the primary method of controlling black bear populations to a safe, coexisting number. New Jersey is the only state that has allowed “emotions” and “politics” to overrule wildlife science and stop the bear hunts. (Other than 2003 and 2005 when they clearly reduced black bear complaints in the year following those hunts).

 So when Janet Piszar, director of the Bear Education and Resource Group and Heather Cammisa, state director for HSUS go back to the drawing boards they fall back on the same misleading and baseless facts they have presented over the years. Let’s look at some of these statements:

 Janet Pizar: Bear Education and Resource Group

The Division of Fish and Wildlife manipulates policies and enforcement for the unstated purpose of promoting a hunt. DF&W is lax in enforcing laws that prohibit people from feeding bears-either intentionally by hand or inadvertently by leaving barbecue grills, bird feeders or full garbage bags outside their homes. She further states that F&W allowed problem bears to raid and pillage neighborhoods to reinforce the public impression that hunting was the solution. Pizar said, the state has not done enough to pursue nonlethal management. (ALL FALSE) Janet Piszar’s knowledge of wildlife management couldn’t fill a thimble, Pizar lives on a “one-way” street named “anti-hunter” and actually her stand in the end run will do more damage to the black bear than any hunt. The wildlife professionals of New Jersey, in cooperation with hunters, brought back the black bear; their continued, professional management is needed in order to maintain a healthy black bear population. Overpopulation is not healthy to humans or the bears.

 Heather Cammisa: State Director for HSUS

We do not believe that hunting is an effective management tool to handle bear-human conflicts, “Most conflicts occur in urban and suburban areas because of the availability of food from trash cans and other sources, like bird feeders and compost piles. We believe the effective way of reducing conflict involves removing those food sources. (REMOVING FOOD SOURCES HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH REDUCING AND MAINTAINING THE BLACK BEAR POPULATION TO SAFE, COEXISTING NUMBERS)

 Both groups continue to ignore the “real-problem” BEAR-OVER-POPULATION, unless the black bear population is reduced to a number that allows “safe-coexistence” with the human population and kept under control each year, none of the above matters.


In New Jersey, particularly in areas of Sussex, Vernon, West Milford and other towns developments border state hunting and fishing lands, as well as private properties where hunters are allowed to hunt as families, friends or hunt clubs. The overpopulated black bear, when in need of food travels into these areas. A hunt in the same areas will reduce the black bear population and “free-up” space in their own natural environment.

More space means more food available without the bears looking for supplements or snacking on garbage. Hunting is the most effective “adverse-conditioning” for black bears as they will quickly learn that “humans” present a real danger; TO THEM.

 Speaking of garbage people do know that storing garbage is an important part of the management program, however, when the “overpopulated” black bear is determined to get food the “bear-resistant garbage cans” are garbage and the bears can easily drag them away and open them, one bear was seen jumping on the “yellow-cans” until the lid just popped off. When the garbage is stored in sheds or garages, they break down doors.

 As for bird feeders, barbecue grills and compost piles, well this is a little more infringement on “human rights” than we should have to accept. Although people are working on these issues, many feel just as strongly about “bird-care” as do others about “bear-care”, many believing it is unfair to sacrifice bird feeding because we have too many black bears, remember; bird feed is the most widely sold feed nationwide and a popular pastime among nature lovers.

Cleaning grills, good for sanitary reasons, but when bears come on decks while the grills are still cooling down, or someone goes into the house for a few monents, “there are too many bears”.

 The controversy should go the way of Governor Corzine, “AWAY”. This is not about hunters, trophy hunts, F&W telling (3 little bear stories), garbage, bird feeders or compost piles, IT IS ABOUT A STATE THAT HAS WAITED FAR TOO LONG IN ALLOWING THE ONLY NATIONWIDE, PROVEN METHOD OF CONTAINING AND MAINTAINING A BLACK BEAR POPULATION THAT ALLOWS THE SAFE COEXISTENCE WITH HUMAN POPULATION; HUNTING, HUNTING, HUNTING.

The result of this delay has led to the problems in other areas; (garbage, bird feeder destruction, etc) In this case the past administrations put the cart (garbage, etc) ahead of the horse (black bear population growth).

 We need a black bear hunt this year, not extra reviews, public comments and when the anti’s fail again, lawsuits wasting the time of The New Jersey Courts and taxpayers money and doing nothing to solve overpopulation.

We need to recognize that it is not just the “hunters’ that need or want a black bear hunt, it is millions of “non-hunting” citizens that understand the purpose and success of hunting as a “wildlife management tool”. More importantly, it is “members of the DF&W, F&G, and Biologists that are professionals in this field using science, experience and education not emotions to make decisions.

Finally, let’s dispose of another myth; “the bears will be skinned for their hides and trophy mounts and the meat wasted because it is not wanted, cannot be butchered or is not good to eat.” There are butchers that will properly butcher bears for example;

Tom the Butcher Bear and Deer Processing

Washington, New Jersey

(908) 689-7440

Tom, will custom cut the bear, fully vacuum pack and offers smoked meat as well. He recommends for the best cooking and tasting, boneless steaks, roasts, stew and chop meat. Having prepared bears taken out of state, he says that the meat is excellent.

“By the way this goes for deer too as now some anti-hunters have found a quack doctor that supposedly conducted his own tests on venison and found lead in the meat from bullets, then claiming it unsafe to consume and further claiming that donating meat to the hungry is simply and excuse justifying hunting deer. WOW, can this be an anti-hunting Doctor? Reminds me of the movie, “My Cousin Vinnie” when he has a shimmy in the front end and a mechanic passing by says I know the problem “you got Mud in your tires”, “Mud in your tires? Says Vinnie, never heard of it.” Lead in your deer? Never heard of it either.

All the meat recalls we have had over the years have been from livestock, slaughtered livestock, not shot with a bullet.

When a deer butcher is processing a deer they look for obvious problems and when shot with a bullet the damaged area is cut away.

So I guess then that the anti’s have to give up their fight on banning bow hunting, no lead right?”

There are other butchers that will prepare bear, search the internet but do not believe that no one will butcher a bear, or that bear or deer meat is not fit for human consumption.

 Do not let the opportunity to bring this problem under control slip away, those that understand the importance of a bear hunt cannot sit back we still need to let our voices be heard. Many believed that Chris Christi would never become Governor; Let the “silent majority” speak to Governor Christi again; let the Governor know you support the black bear hunt: Make it short “Just Say Yes for a Black Bear Hunt this year.”

Governor Christies’ office: (609) 292-6000

DEP Acting Commissioner Robert Martin: Phone (609) 292-2885 Fax (609) 292-7695

 Mike D