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Black Bears, No More Pardons   2 comments

Since 2000 the New Jersey Black Bears have made their presence know through disrupting the “safety-zone of balance” required for co-existence with the human population.

At the same time animal-rights and anti-hunting groups saw an opportunity to prey on the weak political system in New Jersey through Governor Whitman. These groups created some illusion that “pardons” for intrusive black bear behavior should replace the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife biologists, professional conclusion that black bear hunts should take place in order to reduce the overpopulation and maintain a “safe co-existing” level. Keep in mind these are the same professionals that successfully brought the black bear population to an acceptable number from the lows of the 1970’s.

It is interesting to note that many of these animal-right/anti-hunting groups do not even reside in New Jersey or at least live near black bear country.

In addition to attacking the F&W, these groups obviously set out against hunting and hunters. The first line of attacks came in the form of “Hunters are simply looking to put Trophy’s on their walls”. By alluding to trophy hunting they hoped and in fact did solicit support from animal lovers. The black bear was portrayed as this helpless animal (mammal actually) that was being targeted by blood thirsty hunters and being offered for slaughter by money hungry Fish&Game members and biologists.

Within this “blame-base” the anti’s offered garbage (you can take that comment both ways) as another pardon excuse.

Well garbage was a problem but this became a problem when the black bear population exceeded its natural carrying habitant and the overflow began to roam into previously unexplored territories.

For added “pardon-symphony” the anti’s cited “land development”. Here again, we should pardon the black bear and put the blame on human population growth, both new families and senior citizens with a need for housing. Of course, we have those “transferred-rural-tree hugging homeys” that believe once they move to the country everyone else should stay away. Why, if you don’t want the black bear killing your pets, domestic animals, breaking into your garages and houses, attacking and threatening humans, disrupting human rights and freedom, “get-out-of-town”. Sound familiar? It is like the old Westerns, “howdy partner why this town isn’t big enough for the both of us move out or draw.”


Well just look at these latest statistics:

July 21, 2008 to August 20, 2008 the state black bear unit received (437) bear calls compared to (185) for the same period in 2007


Fifty (50) calls were Category 1, (247) calls were Category 11, (140) calls were Category 111 in the time period 2008 as noted above


Twelve (12) calls were Category 1, (101) calls were Category 11, (72) calls were Category 111 in the time period 2007 as noted above.


From January 1, 2008 through August 20, 2008 a total of (1821) bear calls were received as compared to (1037) for the same time period in 2007.


The black bear unit in total received from January 1, 2008 through August 20, 2008; (169) Category 1 calls, (1015) Category 11 calls, and (637) Category 11 calls

For the same time period 2007 the calls were; (75) Category 1 calls, (543) Category 11 calls, (419) Category 111 calls.


Eighteen (18) bears were euthanized in 2008 as compared to (13) in 2007.

·        Category 1: Behavior includes; human attacks, home entries, attempted home entries, agricultural crop damage and killing livestock or pets.

·        Category 11: Behavior includes; nuisance bears are  habitual visitors’ to dumpsters or birdfeeders and property damage less than $500.00

·        Category 111 : Behavior includes; wandering into populated areas, passing through rural and suburban neighborhoods, bears observed by hikers, hunters, campers and others using facilities in black bear habitant


All of this activity, basically “criminal-activity” and last week we have the NJSPCA filing charges against a Jefferson woman, on behalf of the black bear no-less, because her dog chased, caught and killed a small black bear that trespassed on her property. Just imagine and think real hard about this, they want to put a human being, a woman, in jail because her dog killed a “wild-trespassing” animal that is destroying domestic pets, livestock and property.

Look at it this way if this non-sense does not stop, if the court does not throw this ridicules case out of court, anyone, your own family and/or friends that own a dog could end up with fines and jail if that dog happens to defend it’s property and attacks a trespassing, “wild-bear”.

On the other hand, if the black bear succeeds in killing your domestic pet there is no legal recourse for you (0), nothing.

We have wasted time and taxpayers money on this issue since 2000; New Jersey State Supreme hearings, Governor’s, DEP Commissioners,  Judges of local courts everyone involved in a decision making process that belongs to the professional F&G and biologists that are experienced and  paid to make these decisions.

This is totally out of control, non-experienced people, politicians or others should not be allowed to interfere with professionals. No, we do not need inexperienced people on the Fish & Game Council; we do not need animal-rights/anti-hunters determining the process for managing wild game.


Lastly, hunter or not we do not need to question the legal right a citizen has to harvest and process and consume their own food. It is the balance of hunting and game management that brings about a safe co-existence with wild animals all through America, except New Jersey, “Pardon Us but no more Black Bear Pardons.” Governor Corzine inherited this problem write him and tell him it is OK to pass the buck to Fish&Game.

Mike D