Here we go again, after a successful 2010 Bear Culling season by New Jersey Hunters, the anti’s are at it again.   16 comments

The following are a compilation of their bogus complaints:


NJ Fish & Wildlife is so biased toward hunting they will do and say anything in abuse of their authority to promote the trophy hunting of black bears INCLUDING:

  • Refusing to enforce state garbage laws.
  • Killing black bears to promote fear.
  • Using junk science to record nuisance incidents.
  • Promoting recreational trophy hunting against public opinion.
  • 99% of NJ citizens do not support hunting.

This from groups that have played the political trump card from 2000 through 2011 using false and misleading information to create a threat of lost votes to politicians that would support any black bear hunting.

These accusations were always and still remain false, misleading. This can be easily determined by the ludicrous statement that 99% of New Jersey Citizens do not support hunting. Why? When would it ever be possible to reach over 8 million NJ citizens to find out whether or not they supported hunting? We had 64.1 of our citizens voting for the 2008 Presidential election, not even a Presidential election pulled 99% voters.

Here is a more accurate statement; the majority of NJ citizens’ support the NJ Fish & Wildlife as the professionals with the education required to determine what is needed to control the state’s wildlife populations. In the case of black bear hunts, scientific information gathered by the NJDF&W, then confirmed by studies fromEastStroudsburgUniversityand based on actual, documented incidents reported directly by NJ citizens, the majority of NJ citizens understand the need for the culling of the black bear population to a level consistent with the safety of our human population.

This year we are finding black bears on the side of roadways being killed by vehicles as they cross roads, another sign of overpopulation. In 2010 (592) black bears were harvested by hunters in spite of a black bear hunting season opening late, on December 6th to coincide with the NJ deer hunting season. In addition to the late season 2010 was a banner year for acorns allowing the black bears to fill up early and den up quicker, still (592) black bears harvested an indication of the large population.

Garbage, yes the only honest fact coming from the anti’s, garbage needs to be properly contained. Garbage containment is important because it prevents any wildlife from bears to raccoons to crows from invading containers, making a mess and supplementing their food source.

Garbage containment however, is not a birth control pill. Black bears will still propagate and there will always be a need for population management through the only proven method used successfully by every state with large black bear populations; HUNTING.


So lets cut the bulls—– and stop the lies, frivolous lawsuits and misleading facts, like it or not, whoever was here first or what, we need to understand that Black Bears have a new attitude whether created by development of land or their lack of fear for humans and this attitude coupled with overpopulation is in fact a real threat to human safety.

Let’s get used to it and be thankful to the NJDF&W and the hunters that perform a job in the line of sport hunting. YES, sport hunting too, a legal pastime that the free citizens of our country have a right to participate in or not.

Lastly, thanks to Governor Christie, who allows professionals to make decisions based on their education and does not let threats from anti-hunting/animal right groups influence his decision to support these professionals thereby keeping him out of the end zone.

WOW, he even got elected on a platform that included his decision on this matter as well.

Mike D.

16 responses to “Here we go again, after a successful 2010 Bear Culling season by New Jersey Hunters, the anti’s are at it again.

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  1. Some on a different post call me a neanderthal. To which I replyed.Wow big words I don’t understand like Neanderthal. Ask yourself this if the bears are not controled what happens. Maybe a week or a year from now we will be reading about a child playing in he’s back yard killed by a bear. These are gods animals yes but we can not speak or reason with them. Therefore there population must be controled. We are not eliminating or killing just for fun as people would say. I know that most who harvest a bear will partake its bounty. As it was in the time of Neanderthals. Thank you for your 2 cents.

  2. Ridiculous i all i can say when i hear about sport hunting. What sport is there in shooting a defenseless bear cub, shaking and scared just wanting to be with its mother? A harmless creature no matter how many are in nj. Real sporting to shoot a pregnant female bear with no regard for the babies inside it. I dont mind if a single problem bear needs to be dealt with but nobody has been killed or harmed by black bears in nj in 150 years. Anyone who has had a close encounter usually has brought it on themself by having food around a campsite or walking a small dog through bear areas thus attracting them but that hasnt even caused any damage to anyone. I respect a hunters right to hunt but bears arent overpopulating, they should ve here, its called nature. 3400 bears is not a lot in a state this large. You could fit 3400 bears in an average sized home depot , thats not a lot or too many bears for rhode island let alone nj. Anyone if they at least put in some rules against killing cubs or females or pregnant females i would at least think true hunters would gladly agree a true hunter would only kill a large older male. Just sayin. Anyway good luck in your hunt- just try to only go for an older male bear.

    • Glen, I believe if you check the data from the 2010 bear hunt the hunter’s did just that (in so far as it is possible). In a management hunt of this type it would not be feasible to take only mature males. Below are the results of the hunt:


      “Males made up 40% of the harvest (239) and females comprised 60% of the harvest (353), which is the same male/female ratio of the population observed through the research and control activities of division biologists.

      The average field dressed weight of females over 1 year old was 179 pounds, with a range of 86 to 410 pounds. The average field dressed weight of male bears over 1 year old was 257 pounds with a range of 114 to 651 pounds. The largest adult male had an estimated live weight of over 750 pounds (651 pounds dressed) and was taken in Montville Township, Morris County.”

      As you can see there were NO tiny, terrified cubs or visibly pregnant females taken (hence the reason for the timing of this hunt) regardless of what the regulations permit. The hunter’s of New Jersey ARE “true” hunters and they follow a personal code of ethics stricter than many non hunting members of our population. (Just sayin’)

      • cpartipilo, thank you again for these very important facts and reply to one of the readers. This is what my blog is all about. Not to put down those that truly have a problem with the harvesting of wildlife but instead to give them a factual reply that may help them to understand the need for wildlife management through hunting.
        On the other hand, for those that go overboard, for those that want to attack, especially those that spout death to humans over an animal, then they will get it back twofold.
        We live in a free country, hunting is a legal part of our freedom, everyone has a choice; hunt or don’t hunt. We also have a choice through these blogs and other outlets to express our feelings. But any human being that proposes death to another human because of pursuing the right to hunt and harvest wildgame is basically a SICK and dangerous human.
        Mike D

    • Glenn, thank you for reading my blog. You are a little over the edge here. I would say that very few, if any, hunters would be shooting a shaking and scared bear, as a bear is not scared of anything, they are at the top of the food chain. As for younger bears, no different than those that enjoy veal, from slaughtered, chained calves.
      There are numerous incidents of black bears killing people and in the past 12 years showing a change in attitude becoming extremely bold and agressive.
      It is totally untrue that anyone ever having an encounter with a black bear brought it on themselves.
      You think that the black bear is not overpopulated? You think that 3400 black bears could fit in an average sized home depot? Well that would be fine if 3400 black bears found the home depot as attractive as the forests.
      Any species of wildlife that is managed through hunting has to include the harvesting of females and young.
      Look Glen, sometimes it is sad to see a rabbit laying dead on the side of a road, or watching turtles slowly making their way across a busy road hoping to reach the other side without becoming a victim.
      So your feelings here are totally understood and respected. Unfortunately, there is no way around the game management process and hunting is the only proven, effective part of that process. Harvesting all, large older males would not solve the overpopulation problem.
      Mike D

  3. hunting is a cowardly act , get a life , nature is beautiful , this animals should b relocated ,not slaughtered by punks

    • JANEKOENIG, thank you for reading my blog. Hunting is a legal right of choice in the United States. Hunters are amoung those who totally enjoy nature. Hunting hours start 1/2 before sunrise until 1/2 hour after sunset. Hunters travel deep into the forests, not on marked trails but through various terrain, often places never walked upon by others. Since the majority of hunters do not harvest game the day, from dawn to dusk, is a true nature experience with or without success of the hunt.
      No one wants black bears relocated into their hometowns, more importantly, relocation would have no effect on the problem of overpopulation.
      Wild game is hunted, meaning the game has the opportunity to outsmart the hunter. Domestic animals are “slaughtered” so that PUNKS like you can walk about the supermarkets and reap the benfits of the meat markets.
      Mike D

  4. It’s ludicrous to present black bears as a significant threat to people in New Jersey. From 1900 to 1980 black bears killed 23 humans worldwide. That means that black bears, despite living all over the planet in close quarters with humans, kill less than one person every three years. Of those deaths, it is safely estimated that more than half are due to a human doing something stupid.

    The bear hunt is a disgrace. This website is also a disgrace. I would guess that your average NJ 3rd grader is smart enough to spell our governor’s name properly.

    • Matt, thank you for reading my blog. We are not concerned about 1900 to 1980 when there were less people, less developed land and less black bears. Due to the anti’s interfering with the NJDF&W management programs, the black bear is over-populated and no longer shy and timid. This is why the complaints have risen and the black bears more bold and aggressive.
      You are correct; humans do stupid things like you calling this educational blog a disgrace. The only Governor Christie I know is the one spelled out in this blog. Is that the best you have?
      By the way if you want to get technical, black bears do not live “all over our planet”. However, where they do live in the United States, in large numbers, those states all hold hunting seasons for population management; HUNTING HAS BEEN SUCCESSFUL FOR DECADES.
      Mike D

  5. There already about 20 states that have adopted hunting rights into their state constitutions. NJ needs to follow their lead as well as ditch the ridiculous gun-control scheme.

    Hunting is a great way to get in touch with nature as well as manage animal populations. Remember that we’ve been hunting forever, and it’s not up to any government to bestow our natural right to hunt. I’m surprised the anti’s even get media coverage because they are that small, that absurd, and that much of a fringe group of arrogant people. Maybe they should be labelled and tracked as a hate group…

  6. The vast majority of land and wildlife conservation is funded by hunters. Hunting should never be curtailed unless the population is low. It’s an American right to hunt.

  7. Another excellent post Mike. Education must be forthcoming from our governments as we have a grossly uninformed general public regarding wildlife management in North America. Human bear conflicts are increasing and although mortality is down (largely due to bear spray) it is a horrific and tragic thing to see the victim of a bear mauling living with permanent impairment and disfigurement.

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