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Black Bears Take Over Garden State   Leave a comment

Black Bears Are Taking Over The Garden State

Black Bears Are Taking Over The Garden State


Well, it is official; the black bear has succeeded in taking control of New Jersey. What a success story, once near extinction in 1970, the black bear was given a new lease on life by; Wildlife Professional Biologists under the F&G and Hunters that established and respected a ban on hunting.

By 2000 the trend was completely reversed and the black bear went from near extinction to overpopulation, with an attitude change from timid and fearful to belligerent and destructive.

In 2000, former Governor Christine Todd Whitman yielded to pressure from the animal-right/anti-hunting groups paving the way for politics to enter the arena of wildlife management.

Oh, there were moments of sanity when hunts were held in 2003 and 2005 but then entered Governor Corzine who flatly stated he was against any bear hunting. The new DEP Commissioner, appointed by Governor Corzine, Lisa Jackson quickly got her marching orders and followed the Governors beat.

Together they came up with a plan to overrule the 2005 agenda of black bear hunts and opted for a “research into non-lethal methods” of black bear population control. A stall tactic at best, because there were already numerous studies conducted around the country proving this to be ineffective.

So today a New Jersey black bear “rules”, they can break into garages and houses, attack and kill domestic pets and livestock, even attack and injure humans and they receive a pardon. Black bears are allowed to interfere with our recreation at state parks and yes even our “highest in the nation, tax paid for personal property and backyards”. Now not only do they travel in previous know “black-bear counties” they are seen in every county of New Jersey and cities including Trenton itself.

Although, there are “millions” of citizens, besides hunters, that support hunting as the most proven, effective method of wild game management, many politicians continue to listen to a minority of special interest animal-right/anti-hunting groups; Why? Because these groups are backed by people from other states who realize that New Jersey is their last battleground in which they can mix politics and wildlife management. By a well established network of communications they flood the Governor and others with misleading information and the threat of lost votes for anyone supporting black bear hunting. They continually, throw out the “blood thirsty trophy hunters” or the Fish&Games’ need to generate revenue for their salaries as the primary excuse for a hunt. To make matters worse they get support from news publications that are staffed with anti-hunting journalists that put the “anti-hunting-spin” on every black bear incident reported.

So what should we believe? Well to start with twenty-seven (27) states have large black bear populations that require population control. Many of these states, by the way, have less black bears and less complaints than N.J., but twenty-six (26) of those states, with both Democratic and Republican Governors, allow their Fish&Game, professionals to establish and maintain wildlife management programs.

All (26) of these states have successfully controlled their black bear populations for decades through hunting seasons. They are able to maintain a healthy black bear population and reduce the level of dangerous black bear activities. Just to be perfectly clear here, yes even in these states a black bear may occasionally roam into a populated area or attempt to break into a garage or house, but, the big but, is that without years of hunting for population control these problems would be multiplied to a much higher and more dangerous level; like? You guessed it N.J. today.

What else can we believe? Our own eyes, ears and common-sense. We see drastic increases, 20% or greater, in overall black bear complaints, we see black bears in places they never travelled before and where they were seen we see them more often and in greater numbers. We hear the stories from the people, neighbors, family and friends that have been victims of intrusive and aggressive black bears, we hear of domestic pets attacked and killed, farmer’s livestock and crops damaged. Common-sense clearly tells us that “no wild game animal” can be left to just multiply beyond their natural range carrying capacity to whatever size population they can reach.

I started this blog on my own after researching the New Jersey black bear problem since 2000 and when my daughter and grandchildren became prisoners’ in their own house as the black bears invaded their backyard and threatened their safety. If you review the other OPEDS in my blog you will find that this extensive research has enabled me to publish accurate and fair information about the “modern black bear”. Development of land and increasing human population has led to an attitude change in black bear behavior and that change is a danger to humans.

Many people not in favor of hunting are not necessarily all on a political agenda but simply do not like to think of an animal being culled through hunting. These people must be respected and understood. But in return these same individuals must also understand that the most precious life is human life, the good human goes out of their way to save each other and then animals as well, but their priorities are in order, human rights before animal rights.

Hunting is a legal right in our country; it is the right of humans to “harvest” their own game for food. A black bear or a deer is food for those that wish to pursue historical traditions. A cow, pig, calf etc, raised for consumption by humans, is no less “cute” than the wild game a hunter harvests. In the end game they all become food. Domestic livestock populations are controlled according to consumption needs and the method of controlling domestic livestock? Slaughterhouses that kill and prepare the meat for human consumption.

Wild game animals need to have the same controlled populations in order to avoid disease, starvation through lack of available food, wasted death through vehicle collisions and even overhunting that can damage the balance. The method is not much different than domestic livestock with one exception; wild game is given a chance to survive through their own cunning senses and ability to escape. The strong and healthy do so and that strengthens the health of their overall population while the weaker are culled to maintain the population to acceptable numbers.

This is Wildlife Management and to remain successful it requires professionals, biologists not politicians, nor animal-right/anti-hunting groups misleading and false intervention. It doesn’t need newspapers’ putting personal spins on factual stories. We don’t need inexperienced people and/or animal-right or anti-hunters on Fish & Game commissions. Why; well without them New Jersey F&G and hunters were able to develop a very healthy black bear population and in this year 2009 there is no F&G or hunter that would not revert to non-hunting of any species if it was required for their continued existence. Hunters are historical and proven conservationists.

We now have an emergency situation in New Jersey, each day those that understand black bear overpopulation and their now “no-fear” attitude wait each day for the bad news; a human severely mauled or killed by a black bear. Just think of this; if you had the opportunity today to be a “Good Samaritan” would you not do anything to help a fellow human being, to save someone from injury or death? If your answer is yes then start supporting a black bear hunt in New Jersey, write the Governor, DEP and your local politicians and let them know. Don’t listen to the animal-righty/anti-hunters, we have run out of time, we need a hunt immediately.

Governor Corzine may not like hunting, but he surely is not looking to have someone mauled and killed by an overpopulated black bear. Since Governor Whitman, her successors have inherited that incorrect decision she made in 2000. Now like the others the Governor is caught in the web. Let’s give him the opportunity to put this back where it belongs, with the F&G and state biologists, where science will rule, not black bears and politics. Put politics back in the corner of human safety, the safety of the citizens of New Jersey.

Mike D